You need to install the ‘x2goserver-xsession’ package also if you’re installing EPEL6 or EPEL7. In CentOS and RHEL, it provides the extra packages that are not available in the default repositories of CentOS and RHEL.

Install the EPEL Repo, if it’s not pre-installed on your server: sudo dnf install ĮPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) is an open-source package repository. The first step towards running X2Go on the server is to update the package index: sudo dnf -y update Step 1 – Install X2Go on the CentOS 8 Server Unless you know EXACTLY what you’re doing, it’s better to stay clear of the root. This can compromise the integrity of your system. We don’t recommend accessing X2Go as a root user because the root user can add, delete, or edit any application or file. A non-root sudo user with sudo privileges and access either password or SSH key.( I use a cheap 12GB RAM VPS from Contabo) A server running CentOS 8 with a minimum of 2GB RAM.We’ll demonstrate the installation process of the X2Go server and X2Go client and how X2Go client connects on three different desktop environments i.e. In this tutorial, we’ll explain the step-by-step process of connecting to a CentOS 8 remote desktop using X2Go along with video demos. It’s a powerful software package manager and can easily maintain groups of packages and automatically resolves the dependency issues. DNF is a next-generation yum and intended to replace YUM in RPM-based operations Linux distributions. We’ll be using DNF (Dandified YUM) instead of yum in this tutorial. Multiple desktop environments (for e.g.Supports multiple clients simultaneously.Provides graphical remote desktops on low and high bandwidth network.