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He was attracted to this alternative culture, Carol said, because he felt it was so far removed from his own life and experience Preferring instead fringe performance art and experimental dance, which he attended every weekend. For entertainment, he shunned the opera and blockbuster movies,

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Despite being a bona fide yuppie, with an annual six-figure income from his job as a financial consultant, Ted did not own a TV or a car. Our mutual friend Carol had told me to expect honesty, and I, in turn, was prepared to be confrontational with a guy I assumed would be an overfed, overgrown Delta Phi reject.īut even before I met Ted, Carol had revealed a few things that had thrown me. So far, I hadn't found a single man who would go on record for having an Asian fixation. Political correctness and dating have never mixed, but that doesn't keep people from trying to maintain appearances to the contrary. Wanted to have anything to do with, so good riddance if they recused The other was relief, since the kind of men who went for Asian women were not men I He was here to talk about his penchant for Asian women - a proclivity I'd started to notice in college among the frat boys, and as far as I could tell had pretty much evolved into an

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It was a freezing spring evening and gusts of fog were whipping up Columbus Street. Ted and I were sitting outside on unsteady green plastic chairs atĪ brew pub in North Beach. Tried it, sort of the way gay guys have gone out with women, just to see I have never been interested in blonds," said Ted.

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